Thursday, October 9, 2008

Locate Library related Feeds - Tasks 8 & 9

Well I thought I might simply say I could set up RSS feeds - after all I have Feedreader on my desktop and also have Google Reader to use as examples because I teach the Alerting Services for postgrads.

But I hadn't tried Bloglines so I now have. Yes I agree - my methodolgy is a bit too complex. I usually just find a site I'm interested in and look for a possible RRS icon and click on it. I think the Google Reader is very easy to use to find RSS feeds too.

Anyhow I need to recommend a feed or two.


Anonymous said...

I was the same way - I found Bloglines not as easy as Google Reader. And there are more auto-set-ups for feeds to GR than to BL... *whinge whinge!*

Ah, well, it's all about learning ain't it!!

Walking through Perfume said...

I agree